◊ This control panel is distributed as shareware: if you like it please honor the shareware system by sending $5 to the author at the address above. Since cashing international cheques is very expensive, please send cash only. If you don’t have any extra money to spend, a postcard or a letter will be welcome. Programmers may send their software instead of the money.
◊ DragAnyWindow has a complete online documentation you can access via the “Info” button in the control panel. You may save it as a text file and read or print it with a text editor, which can be useful if you find the font size too small to read.
◊ You may create a text file with a handy registration form by opening the control panel, clicking on the “Info” button and then clicking on the “Save registration form…” button. Just print the text file with TeachText and fill it up, then put it in an envelope with $5 cash and write my name on the back…